Farmers Market First Timer

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Have you visited your local Farmer’s Market? Have you hesitated because you thought it was only for people who ate organic? Or thought the prices would be too high?

Today, I want to ask you to give your local Farmer’s Market at chance. Just once.

I have a local Farmer’s Market that is within 5 miles of my home. For months I have said I wanted to go check it out, but never actually made a visit until this weekend. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Honestly, I thought there would be more vendors. I learned, however, that more vendors gather at the mid-week Farmer’s Market.

Nevertheless, I walked away with two big bags full of purchases!

Check out my video with my haul from my first trip to the Farmer’s Market – and make sure to let me know what you like about YOUR local market!

(I’m working on my video skills! LOL!)

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